***At the Sanctuary of Lucia in Venice, two works:
1. The Passion of the Christ who toured the canals of Venice on a boat for Holy Week, is now fully exposed in an altar inside the Sanctuary;
2. The large mechanized Nativity scene which was displayed for Christmas can now be visited in an altar inside the Sanctuary.
Opening: Every day 9.30am-1.00pm; 2.00pm-5.00pm.
The third work in Venice
*****EXHIBITION “Jesus: the Life. Dioramas from the Gospel” – at the Church of Maddalena in the Cannaregio district of Venice.
OPEN from Tuesday to Sunday (CLOSED every non-holiday Monday) – Opening hours: 10.00am – 1.00pm / 2.00pm – 5.00pm
Free entry 28 dioramas that will catapult you into the era of Jesus Christ; a spiritual and artistic journey of great charm and poetry! Also usable for the blind who will be able to tactilely explore the scenes and follow the route with the audio guide! RESERVATION REQUIRED FOR SCHOOLS OR TOURIST GROUPS ** Write via WhatsApp to no. +39 3489122214. Guided tours with the author are also possible, however, always upon reservation at the above number. ***The photographic book of the exhibition is available (bilingual version: Italian and English) “Jesus: the Life. Dioramas from the Gospel” . It can be purchased online on Amazon.
“Jesus: The life. Dioramas from the Gospel”
At the Maddalena Church in Sestiere Cannaregio in Venice from Saturday 3rd December 2022!
Every day, except Mondays 9.30 – 13.00; 14.00 – 17.00.
A spiritual and artistic journey of great charm and poetry!
Reservation required for school groups or tourist groups.
Contact us on whatsapp Nr. + 39 3489122214.
A journey of 28 dioramas on the life of Christ that will fascinate you, usable also for the blind because the tactile exploration of the dioramas is allowed and the captions are translated into Italian and English Braille (edited transcription by Alfonso Fusco).
The photographic book (bilingual version: Italian and English) “Jesus: the Life. Dioramas from the Gospel” with a preface by Don Gianmatteo Caputo is available. It can be purchased on the internet at Amazon.
Open every day 9.30am – 1.00pm; 2.00pm – 5.00pm – Free entry.
“Jesus: the Life. Dioramas from the Gospel”. From 4th decembre 2019 to 1st november 2022 for our 17th exibition we were to the Sanctuary of Lucia in Venice . Exhibition curated by Francesco Bonvissuto and Gianmatteo Caputo in collaboration with the Cultural Heritage and Tourism Office of the Patriarchate of Venice.
From July 29th to September 15th 2019 For our 16th exhibition, we were to the Basilica of Saint Anthony in Padua precisely in the Hall of the Theological Studio (Cloister of the Magnolia), with the exhibition entitled “DIORAMAS OF THE LIFE OF JESUS“.
-Exhibition “Dioramas of the Life of Jesus” at the Sanctuary of Convento of Saint Lucy in Vicenza, Italy. From 8th December 2018 to 13rd January 2019
A historical-religious journey on the life of Christ that will fascinate you. (Other curiosities on the work can be found by visiting the pages of this site “Life of Jesus” or “About us…”)
A unique exhibition in Italy suitable for everyone!
-Exhibition “Dioramas of the Life of Jesus” at the Sanctuary of “Santa Maria del Fonte” of Caravaggio (BG), Italy.
From March 4th to October 28th 2018, the exhibition revived at the ex-penitentiary hall of the Sanctuary with new dioramas and new installations!
– From May 1 to October 29, 2017 exhibition entitled “Dioramas of the life of Jesus” at the ex-penitentiary hall of the Sanctuary “Santa Maria del Fonte” of Caravaggio (BG), Italy.
From February 12nd to April 25th it was exposed “Mystery of Love and Mercy” – the Jesus’ life in 23 dioramas of Francesco Bonvissuto, at the Papal Basilica of Santa Maria degli Angeli in Porziuncola in Assisi (PG).
From December 22 to January 29, 2017 at the Chapel of the Cathedral Crypt of Monselice (PD), it was exposed the entire life of Jesus depicted in dioramas.
From 1 to 16 October 2016, the exhibition “Jesus’ life” was exhibited at the Youth Center in St. George of Pertiche (PD).
From July 3 to August 28, 2016 the exhibition “Jesus’ life” was exhibited at the Antonian Sanctuaries of Camposampiero (PD)
From 5 December 2015 to 10 January 2016, the “Jesus’ life” was exhibited at the Palazzo Ducale in Gela (CL) in Sicily. And in Piazza Umberto I ° always in the city of Gela was exposed, in the same period, even our large traveling crib.
From July 1 to September 8, 2015 the “Jesus’ life” was on display at the Hall of the Pontifical Theological College of St. Anthony’s Basilica in Padua
Easter 2015: the cross, again Via Via Lucis was exhibited at the Theatre Hall of the Shrine of St. Leopold Mandic in Padua.
Easter 2014 and Christmas 2014: Exposure of the Cross-Via Lucis at Hall Maerdy Library of Martellago (VE) and at Christmas also our cribs exhibition in the same square of the town.
Christmas 2013: Presentation of our cribs and the Way of the Cross at the Church parvis of Caselle village of Santa Maria di Sala (VE).
Easter 2013: Presentation of the Cross-Via Lucis at the Villa Park Baglioni Massanzago (PD).
Easter 2012 and Christmas 2012: Presentation of the Cross-Via Lucis at the Square outside the Church of the hamlet of San Michele delle Badesse, municipality of Borgoricco (PD) and on the same square at Christmas exposition of our traveling crib.
My wife and I saw the exhibit in Venice and it as wonderful. We have the book and it is a treasure.